Are dentists comfortable installing Invisalign treatment?

Question :

Bonjour, j’ai une question à propos du traitement Invisalign.

  1. Est-ce que ce traitement a été effectué plusieurs fois sur des clients ou est-ce qu’il n’a été traité peu de fois? Je m’inquiète car ce choix de broches semble impopulaire aux clients.
  2. Combien de clients ont utilisé le traitement Invisalign dans cette clinique Ortho Laval? Beaucoup ou peu?
  3. Les dentistes sont-ils confortables en installant ce traitement ou est-ce que le traitement est si nouveau que les employés ne manipulent pas très bien les méthodes?


Réponse :

Thank you for visiting our website.

It’s my pleasure to answer your questions.

  1. The Invisalign aligner treatment technique has existed for several years and thousands of patients have been treated with this type of removable device. However, it should be noted that it’s not magic! The best professional to consult and meet for orthodontic treatment is a specialist: a certified ORTHODONTIST.To make an informed choice, make sure you meet a true specialist. Some patients may begin treatment with general dentists believing that they are orthodontists without checking their specialist status. Be sure to check this information, since it's not the product as such that makes the difference but rather the professional's knowledge and skill.
  2. Fixed appliances (also called “braces”) are still very popular even with adults. We now offer a range of remarkable aesthetic devices.
  3. The popularity of “Invisalign” devices is growing, and more and more patients are choosing this option. When this approach is appropriate and recommended for the patient’s condition, many adults (60-75%) choose this option.
  4. Our team is qualified and has extensive experience with all the techniques, including “Invisalign.”To maintain the highest quality of care for our patients, we have an ongoing training program and we participate on a regular basis in conferences.

I hope I’ve answered your questions. For more information, please contact us.

Dr. Jean-Marc Dumoulin



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